Sandstone Wall Texture Set 1

Sandstone Wall Sandstone Wall


This texture set contains 16 seemless, tileable textures for a medieval or a fantasy setting, and is shipped in 3 different sizes. Not all textures tile in all directions, due to the nature of the specific texture. For example: corner textures will not tile horizontally, but will vertically.


Price & availability:

€ 5.00 (VAT 21% € 0.87 included). Exchange Rates
Availability: Digital Download.
After your payment is completed, the Sandstone Wall Texture Set is added to your product list and can be downloaded from the My Products section of your MyRGS account.


Buyers of this product receive life-long updates of this texture set, as long as their e-mail address is known to R.G.S.


Click on an image to enlarge to 256x256 or shrink.
Sandstone Left wall 1 Sandstone Window bottom 1 Sandstone Door 2 Sandstone Bottom right wall 2 Sandstone Wall 1

Click on an image to enlarge to 256x256 (if possible) or shrink.
sandstone Left wall 1 sandstone Window bottom 1 sandstone Door 2 sandstone Bottom right wall 2 sandstone Wall 1

How do I get the Texture Set?

Just click on the Buy Now button below and you will be transfered to the shop.

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