Games - PowerPinball


PowerPinball PowerPinball


PowerPinball is an exciting, highly addictive pinball machine simulation. The base game consists of 3 different pinball machines and can be played by up to 4 players (in turn, just like the real thing).
Future expansion packs with additional pinball machines are planned.
The game can be played with a keyboard/mouse or a gamepad.

Release date

PowerPinball is released on August 24, 2022

Latest Version

1.0.0 - released August 24, 2022

Price & availability:

€ 5.00 (VAT 21% € 0.87 included). Exchange Rates
Availability: Digital Download.
After your payment is completed, PowerPinball is added to your product list and can be downloaded from the My Products section of your MyRGS account.

PowerPinball is also available on:
PowerPinball @
PowerPinball @ Microsoft Store


This is the trailer of PowerPinball.


Below you find screenshots from PowerPinball. Click on an image to enlarge/shrink it. The button below the images will shrink all enlarged images with one click.

Main menu PowerPinball machine PowerPinball scoreboard Classic machine Classic scoreboard Volcano Ramp-age machine Volcano Ramp-age scoreboard Volcano Ramp-age scoreboard Volcano Ramp-age scoreboard


System Requirements:


PowerPinball is rated age 3 and up.

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